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LOG HOME Maintenance

What are Log Restoration Services?

Restoring the log home is not quite easy. The following factors should be considered: methods of removing the present finish, the cost of restoration and how long it will take to restore the home. These factors will be explained in detail below.

Methods of Removing First Finish

Currently, there are three main methods of removing the first finish. The methods include;

• Ozzying using buffing pads or Osborne brush on the variable speed right look.
• Media blasting using walnut shells, glass, and food grade soda.
• Chemical based strippers.

Each of these methods do take a great amount of the time when restoring your home. Removing the first finish possibly the important step in the particular home restoration process given that it gives you the empty canvas to work upon.

Being log home owner all you need to also research each of the methods and then identify which method suits your finances.

Cost of Restoring Your Log Home

Prices usually vary because each home is also unique. Usually, the prices range from the $15,000 to the $100,000 plus. Commercial log buildings or higher quality houses usually cost more. The common cost for the mid-sized home (1, 500 s. f. - 2, 000 s. f. ) would possibly be between the $20, 000 to the $40, 000 dollars and even depending on the log home's design.

Prices may appear expensive but consideration should go to what is done in your home. Restoring property may involve going round the building up to ten times. That involves moving ladders, the scaffolding, the man-lifts, and many others activities.

Correct procedure means a lot when restoring a log home and if any step is skipped, your log home could be at risk of premature finish failure and in some cases rotten logs! Rotten logs should be avoided at all costs because replacing them is expensive yet the rots can be easily prevented.

Restoration Timeframe

Even though each design is different, it takes about the average of 3-6 weeks to completely restore your home. It usually takes quite long due to drying time from washing your house, drying time in between coats of stain, in addition to curing time for whichever chinking or caulking that had to be done.

Removing the prevailing finish can take 3-6 days and nights depending on the existing finish type, size of the building, the design of building, and the landscaping around your building. Washing the home takes some time and needs a minimum of 2 days at least as days to dry out depends on the prevailing weather conditions e.g. precipitation, temperature and humidity.

At the end of the project, the contractor may also clean your windows. This may take even a single day depending on the number of windows.

In summary, this is what restoration services entail. If you wish to restore your log home, follow the guidelines stated in this article. To know more about log restoration service visit this site